Geography Education Research Collective / UK Commission on Geographical Education of the International Geographical Union

Tag: Seminar

  • What’s up with the weather? Attribution science for teachers of geography

    GEReCo Open Seminar, March 19th 4:30-5:30pm, Online

    Dr Nicholas Leach, University of Oxford

    Sign up here:

    Join this Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo) open seminar to hear an introduction to attribution science, a discussion of the latest research in the field, and to explore the challenges facing teachers in addressing questions about the relationships between weather events and climate. Find out more about Dr Nicholas Leach’s work here:

    Photo by Carl Jorgensen on Unsplash

  • Teaching and Learning about the Anthropocene

    Watch the recording of the GEReCo / UK IGU-CGE open forum that was held online on 21st June 2022.

    This GEReCo open forum engaged with the concept of the Anthropocene and considered ways in which it might be applied in school geography. Noel Castree summarised the scientific origins and evolution of the concept (Revkin, 2016), and then identify key themes and implications for geographers. The presentation raised questions about what is taught in school geography and how.

    Cyrus Nayeri and Hina Robinson then responded by considering how engagement with environmental issues can emerge in the school classroom and some practical steps teachers can take, including ways to use art and student voice. The event finished with a Q&A with the three panellists.

    Noel Castree is Professor of Society & Environment at the University of Technology Sydney (Australia) and Professor of Geography at Manchester University.

    Cyrus Nayeri is Head of Geography at Dulwich College and Course Director (acting) for the Geography PGCE course at King’s College London.

    Hina Robinson is a geography teacher and Diversity lead at Southend High School for Girls. She is also a member of the Geographical Association governing body and joint chair of its diversity and inclusion working group.

    GEReCo Summer Webinar 2022


    Revkin, A. (2016) ‘An Anthropocene journey’, Anthropocene Magazine, Issue 1.

    Nayeri, C. (2021) Teaching geography in the Anthropocene, Teaching Geography, 46(2), 50-52.